Saturday, May 1, 2010

Yeah, Right!

Were preteen years always so difficult? I can't remember. I don't feel old being that I'm in my early forties, but I can't remember being so discontent with everything. My preteen is driving me nuts! She gets a new (used/rebuilt) computer, then swears there is nothing to do on it except some homework, because it doesn't have built in WiFi (oops, forgot to check that feature out, as I was rushing to leave the store). So I run to Radioshack to buy her a USB WiFi device to connect her to the home router, and now she's not happy because I put a parental block on it! Oh yeah baby, you must be off your rocker if you thought you were going to have free access to the wild and evil internet! A week later she must go to Target to purchase a new Sims 3 because all the other Sims 3 games she has are either "stupid" or the disc got scratched up since putting up anything to her means leaving it on your bedroom floor. I politely asked her if she had gas & Starbucks money for me as I don't believe in unnecessary trips to another side of town, and the frappé was need as substance if I had to go to Target without any money. Of course she had the money and then some, considering a week ago she got payment for making honor roll (I never got that treatment, it was bring home anything below a C, and "I'll beat your behind" famous words of my mother). So we go to Target get this add-on version for Sims 3, and lo and behold 3 days later, its lame! So miss lame is now finding out what it's like to not have a computer to play games on, its been a week of help mommy chores, bet that game is looking pretty "sweet" now! I have friends and family that wonder why I won't buy a Wii, or an Xbox, PlayStation, none of it! This is Why, it will be lame in a few weeks if that long, and I don't have the time nor money for all the games and add-ons. Plus my thought is these kids now days get some much so soon, that leads to this constant state of discontent, unimaginative, undisciplined children. Children now days in my opinion have the attention span of a gnat. They are so use to electronic devices and features that let you surf, play and just zone out at the speed of light, that it's no wonder school is "boring" to them. They are reflecting what is suppose to be entertainment for a brief down time, as how they view world and how the world is suppose to operate for them. I work part-time at a local school as a playground supervisor, so I see a lot of lack of imagination daily. I go to break up a fight between two boys, they look about 7 or 8 yrs old, and come to find out it's not really a real fight, but them re-enacting a video game they play after school! I have kids come up to me and say "I'm bored what can we do?" This is recess! Come on! My friends and I lived for recess! I am literally giving 5th to 1st graders game ideas and how to play games we lived and breathed at their age! Ghost's in the graveyard, capture the flag, freeze tag, and so forth. So when miss preteen came up to me just today as she was released from chore duty and so sweetly asked if she could have a Facebook account, it took everything I had to not explode, literally explode (is that humanly possible?)! I asked her why she wants a Facebook account at the age of eleven as she could not have enough friends to even make it worth the time to log on, and she states "all the kids at my school have one and a MySpace account". Well there you go! Not! I told her, leave something to look forward to in high school when you become very popular, then you can see just how tedious and boring it is to try to keep up with "everyone". Such sage advice!

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